Minoru Osawa
Welcome! I am an assistant professor at Kyoto Institute of Economic Research (KIER), Kyoto University, working on urban and regional economics. My door is always open, I look forward to discussing exciting things with you.
osawa.[Remove This]minoru.4z@[Remove This]kyot[Remove This]o-u.a[Remove This]c.jp
Kyoto, Japan
Selected Discussion Papers
- Spatial scale of agglomeration and dispersion: Number, spacing, and the spatial extent of cities (with Takashi Akamatsu, Tomoya Mori, and Yuki Takayama) [PDF]
[Previously circulated as: "Spatial scale of agglomeration and dispersion: Theoretical foundations and empirical implications"/"Endogenous agglomeration in a many-region world"/"Multimodal agglomeration in economic geography"]
- Origin of power laws and their spatial fractal structure for city-size distributions (with Tomoya Mori, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yuki Takayama) [PDF]
Ordered by my preference. Please see ORCiD or Google Scholar for a chronological list.
- Equilibrium refinement for a model of non-monocentric internal structures of cities: A potential game approach
(with Takashi Akamatsu) Journal of Economic Theory (2020) [PDF]
- Harris and Wilson (1978) model revisited: The spatial period-doubling bifurcation in an urban retail model
(with Takashi Akamatsu and Yuki Takayama) Journal of Regional Science (2016) [PDF]
- First-best dynamic assignment of commuters with endogenous heterogeneities in a corridor network
(with Haoran Fu and Takashi Akamatsu) Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2018) [PDF]
- Perturbed cusp catastrophe in a population game: Spatial economics with locational asymmetries
(with Kiyohiro Ikeda, José Maria Gaspar, and Yuki Takayama) Journal of Regional Science (2022) [PDF]
- Breaking and sustaining bifurcations in $S_N$-invariant equidistant economy
(with Hiroki Aizawa, Kiyohiro Ikeda, and José Maria Gaspar) International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2021) [PDF]
- Model-based analysis on social acceptability and feasibility of a focused protection strategy against the COVID-19 pandemic
(with Takashi Akamatsu, Takeshi Nagae, Koki Satsukawa, Takara Sakai, Daiziro Mizutani) Scientific Reports (2021) [PDF]
- Time evolution of city distributions in Germany: Group-theoretic spectrum analysis
(with Kiyohiro Ikeda and Yuki Takayama) Networks and Spatial Economics (2022) [PDF]
- Spatio-temporal analysis of gasoline shortages in the Tohoku region after the Great East Japan Earthquake
(with Takashi Akamatsu, Takeshi Nagae, and Hiromichi Yamaguchi) Journal of JSCE (2013) [PDF]
Working Papers
Education and Work Experiences
Apr 2020 - Present:
Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
Oct 2016 - Mar 2020:
Assistant Professor (termed).
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Apr 2014 - Sep 2016:
Research Fellow (DC1).
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Sep 2016:
Ph.D. (Information Sciences).
Department of Human-Social Information Sciences,
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University.
(Thesis supervisor: Takashi Akamatsu)
Mar 2012:
Bachelor of Engineering.
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Mar 2008:
長野県立松本深志高等学校 卒業
Other Info and Links
- Born in 1990. He/his/him. Love dogs. Love hiking. Do some drawing & painting.
- Our Urban Economics Workshop is always looking for speakers. If you plan to visit Japan and are interested, please feel free to contact me. You are more than welcome.
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate: Let's connect!
- researchmap [
日本語 ] :和文論文,経歴・賞罰・研究費獲得実績等はこちら.